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Which is better for arthritic knees, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer

Which is better for arthritic knees, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer?

Well for my knees they are the same. 

The reason I think that treadmills are better than elliptical is because elliptical trainers work on a very specific area of the body in a specific way. You don't need to be in a gym at all, just run the treadmill for 10 minutes and do the elliptical on a stationary bike, so it's going to be more specific because you have your own body. For the knees, it might not be as specific because you aren't moving your entire body, you are moving your knees. Also it depends on their anatomy, if I were to put a treadmill in my own house I'd get a better result because it would have an elliptical trainer in a room next to me that I could use when I was at home. So, I could say either treadmill or elliptical, but I think it's going to be more specific for the hips, which is where the majority of weightlifters work.

So, what is the difference between a barbell and a dumbbell in a weight-training workout? 

Barbells are a lot easier to lift because you don't have to move your core to get into position, and dumbbells are easier because you can hold them in the right position. I think it's pretty safe to say dumbbells will be a little bit easier than barbells, and you're going to be better because you'll be able to get into position to get your weight lift. I think the barbell is the easiest to use because it will require less muscle movement. If you're using it in a squat or a deadlift, I think the barbell will be the easiest. So, it depends on your goals, what your needs are, if you're just getting in your reps and you can hold them, it's probably going to be harder for you, but if you can get in the right position then you're probably better off with dumbbells. And then, the barbell is going to be more stable because you're using a barbell. I think dumbbells are going to be more stable, because you're holding them in a different position. But again, it depends on what you need them for, so if I wanted to add a little more balance or strength, and I think it's going to be better for that, I would use the barbell for that. If I wanted to add strength, I'd use the dumbbell for that.

If I were to do my own squat, what would be the most efficient way to squat? 

I would go straight to the bar, because straight is a much easier position to stay in. You can get your feet in the correct placement at the same time, so you just have to keep that in mind. Also, when squatting, you're basically pulling your torso forward in a straight line because that's going to help you stay in the correct position, and when you're squatting with the barbell you pull the shoulder blades forward. You're pulling the upper arm forward, so that helps a lot with staying in the correct position when you're squatting.

I think that the barbell is going to be easiest to use, because when you're pulling straight out you can get your chest up, you can get your shoulder blades in the proper position, you can get your lower arms in the proper position, and then you can get your hands in the proper position, so as you're pulling straight down, your hands will be over your toes instead of over the bar and you're getting the bar moving through your hands more.

 And you can get the bar moving through your fingers more, so then when you're in the correct position you're going to be able to stabilize more, and you can get your elbows out more, and your legs are going to help out a lot when you're in the correct position. If you're squatting with a barbell, then you probably want the bar going up and down, but I definitely think that if you're going to do any type of squat, you want the bar moving through your hands more, because that actually helps you stay in the correct position.

Mike Tuchscherer If you were to take the bar and do your own squat, what would be the most efficient way to squat if you were to start with barbells? 

I would try to get the bar over my head. The barbell is going to help you get your hips up, and you can put your knees out a lot more because the bar is going to be in front of you more.

 I think that the bar is going to help your shins down, but I think that if I was going to go straight out straight up, I would probably keep the bar over my neck more, and then the bar would be over my head less, because that would allow you to balance more, and then your hips would be up and you'd be able to get your knees out more.

Which is better for arthritic knees, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer Which is better for arthritic knees, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer Reviewed by Jock on January 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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